2019-08-01 - Kernels, fpakman, Firmware, KDE-Git, Browsers, Java, XFCE 4.14-pre3, Haskell (Stable Update)

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Insgesamt abgegebene Stimmen: 4


Themen Author
Beiträge: 2350
Registriert: Donnerstag 19. Mai 2016, 15:49
CPU: AMD Quad Core A8 3,6GHz
GPU: AMD/ATI Radeon R7
Kernel: 6.1
Desktop-Variante: XFCE und KDE Stable, Testing, Unstable
GPU Treiber: Free
Hat sich bedankt: 28 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 153 Mal

2019-08-01 - Kernels, fpakman, Firmware, KDE-Git, Browsers, Java, XFCE 4.14-pre3, Haskell (Stable Update)


Beitrag von Blueriver »

Hello community,

I am happy to announce another Stable Update. Mostly we have XFCE, Kernels and Haskell updates with this one.

Addition of FreeOffice
On Manjaro 18.1-rc6 ISOs we ship FreeOffice by default. This is possible since we partnered up with Softmaker. Enjoy the best compability to MS Office!
If you like more a spartan version shipping only the desktop environment and systemd tools, please choose our Minimal-ISOs. On the final release we plan to make the office suite selectable during installation. Learn more about FreeOffice here.

Manjaro Hardware
With the new Premium BIOS, you have the opportunity to make various profiles for chipset-specific settings and components in order to be able to operate the device optimally depending on the application on Tuxedo hardware. Find out more here and stay tuned for the announcement of our new Manjaro Laptop we will launch together.

Support of Snap packages (only on full ISOs)
Some might noticed that since the #snapcraftsummit a lot of package changes went into Manjaro and our available RCs. XFCE, Gnome and KDE edition will come with fpakman, so managing snaps and flatpaks is easy. To learn more go here.

This way everybody can easily access the snap store by a click and don't has to hassle to get snaps enabled. This enables us to ship even more proprietary software, which we couldn't before. For example check out on how you may install Spotify on Manjaro.

Update news
This update holds the following changes:

Introduction of fpakman
Firefox got its latest beta-release
We updated some of KDE-Git
Palemoon is now at version 28.6.1
Some Kernels and Java packages got updated
XFCE is now at 4.14-pre3
We updated most of our Kernels. Note that linux51 is now marked as EOL
Lot of Haskell updates
We also updated linux-firmware, which adds some fixes for Intel WLAN hardware
Latest efforts by KDE can be reviewed via our current KDE-Dev ISO
Manjaro Juhraya ISOs got updated, including freeoffice, flatpak and snap support pre-activated on the full-editions: XFCE , KDE , Gnome
Give us the usual feedback and let us know what you think about this update.

Current supported Kernels
linux316 3.16.70
linux44 4.4.186 (no legacy nvidia-340 module!)
linux49 4.9.186
linux414 4.14.134
linux419 4.19.62
linux51 5.1.21 [EOL]
linux52 5.2.4 (no catalyst module!)
linux53 5.3-rc2 (not all modules build yet!)
linux419-rt 4.19.50_rt22
linux50-rt 5.0.21_rt16

A list of all package changes can be found here.


Known issues and solutions

This is a wiki post; please edit as necessary.
Please, consider subscribing to the Stable Updates Announcements

Pango doesn't support bitmap fonts anymore
Applications that use Pango and that are configured to use bitmap fonts now only show rectangles instead of characters. This affects popular terminal emulator setups, because many people use fonts like Terminus in applications like GNOME Terminal. We recommend to switch fonts or downgrade pango.


Asian/CJK characters display as blocks
Install noto-fonts-cjk or another font of your choice. The problem seems related to a ttf-droid update.


libbloom>=1.6-2 update requires manual intervention
(Taken from Arch Linux website, 2019-07-11 by Felix Yan. Source: https://www.archlinux.org/news/libbloom ... ervention/)

The libbloom package prior to version 1.6-2 was missing a soname link. This has been fixed in 1.6-2, so the upgrade will need to overwrite the untracked soname link created by ldconfig. If you get an error

libbloom: /usr/lib/libbloom.so.1 exists in filesystem

when updating, use

pacman -Suy --overwrite /usr/lib/libbloom.so.1

to perform the upgrade.

Erfahrenes Foren Mitglied
Erfahrenes Foren Mitglied
Beiträge: 79
Registriert: Dienstag 8. Januar 2019, 16:12
CPU: Intel Core i5-8600
GPU: Intel Onboard
Kernel: 6.1.55-1-MANJARO (64-bit)
Desktop-Variante: KDE Plasma 5.27.8
GPU Treiber: Intel Open Source Technology Center
Hat sich bedankt: 26 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 6 Mal

Re: 2019-08-01 - Kernels, fpakman, Firmware, KDE-Git, Browsers, Java, XFCE 4.14-pre3, Haskell (Stable Update)


Beitrag von ManjaroHans »

...ich hab's eingespielt, alles gut! :)

Forum Kenner
Forum Kenner
Beiträge: 193
Registriert: Donnerstag 3. November 2016, 22:14
Wohnort: Berlin
CPU: Intel Core i5-6200U
GPU: Card-1: Intel HD Graphics 520 Card-2: NVIDIA GM108M [GeForc
Kernel: 5.4.35-1-MANJARO x86_64
Desktop-Variante: KDE Plasma 5.18.4
GPU Treiber: video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-bumblebee
Hat sich bedankt: 5 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 1 Mal

Re: 2019-08-01 - Kernels, fpakman, Firmware, KDE-Git, Browsers, Java, XFCE 4.14-pre3, Haskell (Stable Update)


Beitrag von Peter »

Skype funktioniert nicht mehr. Ich habe das herecura repo eingebunden und seit einigen Jahren Skype preview installiert gehabt. Seit dem letzten Update startet es nicht mehr. Auch wenn ich im Terminal

Code: Alles auswählen

skypeforlinux %U
eingebe oder

Code: Alles auswählen

passiert nichts. Es gibt keinerlei Meldungen. Laut KSysGuard ist auch kein Skype gestartet.
Laut octopi ist skypeforlinux-stable installiert. Auch eine Neuinstallation hat nicht geholfen.

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