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Manjaro Ellada finally released

Verfasst: Mittwoch 31. August 2016, 22:18
von Blueriver
After two months of development we are happy to present Manjaro Ellada to you!

[img width=600 height=375] ... _25_20.png[/img] 

The Xfce edition remains our flagship offering and has received the attention it deserves. Few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. We ship Xfce 4.12 with this release of Manjaro. We mainly focused on polishing the user experience on the desktop and window manager, and on updating some components to take advantage of newly available technologies such as switching to a new Vertex-Maia theme, we already using known as Maia for our KDE edition.

Our KDE edition continues to deliver this powerful, mature and feature-rich desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, and with the perks of Manjaro's latest tools. We ship now Plasma 5.7 desktop in combination with the latest KDE-Apps 16.04. It was a huge step to get it all playing together smoothly and to give the user experience the same feeling as our KDE4 editions of the past.

Kernel 4.4 is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. Relative to the last installation media release, our tools have been improved and polished.

The Manjaro Settings Manager (MSM) now provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for installing and removing the many series of kernels we offer. Manjaro's selection of readily available kernels remains the most extensive of all Linux distribution we know of. At the time of this release, nine kernel-series are available directly from our binary repositories, ranging from the mature & rock-solid 3.10 series to the latest 4.7 release.

Such a wide array of available kernel options results in extensive hardware support, getting the most out of your system for you, be it old or new. We also created a kcm module to integrate MSM seamlessly into System-Settings of Plasma 5. We have now several notifier for MSM to be installed optionally.

With Pamac 4.1 we have switched to CSD design. Guillaume was working for some time on this new design for pamac. Followed features you can expect:

https mirror support
column sortable in updater
sort search result by relevance in manager
add clean cache tab in preferences
systemd timer unit to clean cache monthly
systemd timer unit to generate mirrorlist monthly
if the db lock file is present, it waits if pacman is running, else it removes the lock file
So please let us know what you think about this release of Ellada. We hope you enjoy this release. We are always happy for support via some small donation.

Since our last stable branch update we have now following changes with this Manjaro Ellada release:

we updated our tools
we polished our new install medias
detailed package changes can be found here
Archlinux upstream fixes are now from: Mon Aug 29 19:34:28 CEST 2016

Please report any issues you may have with this update. Also read our troubleshoots to avoid known issues. Additional it would be good to use one of our stable install medias to check these changes on a fresh install.

Kind regards,
Philip Müller and the Manjaro Development Team


Issues with updating MATE

Some users have mate-menu installed from AUR. Please remove this package if you use the GTK2 version of MATE before trying to update. If you have a different issue with updating, please post.

LibreOffice and GTK3

LibreOffice might be broken on gtk-based Desktop Environments. Workaround would be to force a look to Libreoffice by editing /etc/profile.d/libreoffice*sh. We recommend to uncomment SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk. Our KDE edition isn't affected by this issue.


With this we updated Gnome and GTK to 3.20. This will break most of the themes, which will be fixed if and when their developers decide to update them. Some GTK 3.20-compliant themes are ready now - see further down this post.

The new default Manjaro GTK theme, which is GTK 3.20 compatible, is Vertex-Maia

Code: Alles auswählen

sudo pacman -Sy vertex-maia-themes vertex-maia-icon-theme xcursor-maia
KDE users should default to Maia theme:

Code: Alles auswählen

sudo pacman -Sy maia-icon-theme gtk-theme-maia plasma5-themes-maia xcursor-maia

QT apps style with GTK - only needed for non-KDE desktop environments!

With QT 5.7 you need to install qt5-styleplugins and qt5ct and configure your system to have an unified look again.


If you have issues with ufw not working anymore, you have to copy your custom rules to a different folder. Do it like this:

Code: Alles auswählen

sudo cp -v /usr/lib/ufw/user.rules.pacsave /etc/ufw/user.rules
sudo cp -v /usr/lib/ufw/user6.rules.pacsave /etc/ufw/user6.rules


Steam might not work due incompatiblity of libgpg. You my try followed command to "fix" it:

Code: Alles auswählen

find ~/.steam/root/ \( -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" \) -print -delete

Code: Alles auswählen

find ~/.local/share/Steam/ \( -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" -o -name "*" \) -print -delete
Reference: Archlinux wiki

Current supported kernels
Linux310 3.10.102
Linux312 3.12.62
Linux314 3.14.77
Linux316 3.16.37
Linux318 3.18.40
Linux41 4.1.31
Linux44 4.4.19
Linux46 4.6.7 [EOL]
Linux47 4.7.2
Linux-RT-LTS 4.4.17_rt25
Linux-RT 4.6.7_rt11

Package changes since 2016-08-24:
stable community i686: 189 new and 183 removed package(s)
stable community x86_64: 192 new and 187 removed package(s)
stable core i686: 15 new and 13 removed package(s)
stable core x86_64: 15 new and 13 removed package(s)
stable extra i686: 56 new and 52 removed package(s)
stable extra x86_64: 56 new and 52 removed package(s)
stable multilib x86_64: 7 new and 5 removed package(s)

Package changes since 2016-08-29
stable community i686: 1 new and 1 removed package(s)
stable community x86_64: 1 new and 1 removed package(s)
stable extra i686: 4 new and 0 removed package(s)
stable extra x86_64: 4 new and 0 removed package(s)
stable multilib x86_64: 1 new and 0 removed package(s)

Download (XFCE)

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