2019-04-03 - Mate, KDE-Dev, Cinnamon, Deepin, Browsers (Stable Update)

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Insgesamt abgegebene Stimmen: 8


Themen Author
Beiträge: 2350
Registriert: Donnerstag 19. Mai 2016, 15:49
CPU: AMD Quad Core A8 3,6GHz
GPU: AMD/ATI Radeon R7
Kernel: 6.1
Desktop-Variante: XFCE und KDE Stable, Testing, Unstable
GPU Treiber: Free
Hat sich bedankt: 28 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 153 Mal

2019-04-03 - Mate, KDE-Dev, Cinnamon, Deepin, Browsers (Stable Update)


Beitrag von Blueriver »

Hi community,

Welcome to our eleventh stable update for 2019. So what do we have with this one?

Gnome to 3.32 series got further package updates
linux418-rt kernel series got dropped
KDE fans may be happy about developer git-snapshot packages of Plasma and Frameworks. You may give our first Developer-ISO a spin
after a year of development MATE 1.22 got released
we also renewed Cinnamon and Deepin packages, where we are now offering a new Manjaro exclusive package deepin-file-manager-nomodule, which can be used without the deepin-anything kernel-module (it misses fast file search and color tags for that reason)
the usual python, haskell and browser updates

We hope with all these changes Manjaro to be more efficient for you all.

Get our new T-Shirt collection #CLT2019 ! They are the latest design we did exclusively for Chemnitz Linux Days.

Manjaro v18.0.4 released!
We updated our flagship ISOs of Manjaro Illyria with the latest packages. It comes with refreshed packages and updated tools. You may want to download our XFCE Edition 4 with the latest 4.13 packages, aswell as our most recent styling efforts. Our KDE fans may try our KDE Edition 4 with the latest KDE v5.15 instead. And our GNOME fans may try our Gnome Edition 3 with the latest GNOME v3.30.

Current supported Kernels
linux316 3.16.62
linux318 3.18.137 [EOL]
linux44 4.4.167 [FZN]
linux49 4.9.166
linux414 4.14.109
linux419 4.19.32
linux420 4.20.17 [EOL]
linux50 5.0.5
linux51 5.1-rc1 (no extramodules yet)
linux418-rt 4.18.16_rt9
linux419-rt 4.19.25_rt16
linux50-rt 5.0.5_rt3

A detailed list of all package changes can be found here

Known issues and solutions

“warning: mesa: local (19.0.1+really+18.3.5-1) is newer than extra (19.0.1-2)”, what should I do?

Currently, we have mesa 19.0.1-2 in our official repositories. The package manager considers that version 19.0.1+really+18.3.5-1 is a higher version than 19.0.1-2; therefore, by default, the package manager will keep 19.0.1+really+18.3.5-1 unless you force the package manager to go on the version available in the repos no matter what and allow it to do package downgrades if needed.

The action to do is up to you:

If you want to keep mesa 19.0.1+really+18.3.5-1, do you system upgrade as normal (i.e. no package downgrade). You may do so with sudo pacman -Syu, pamac upgrade (be sure that “Enable downgrade” is disabled beforehand) or with Pamac GTK with “Enable downgrade” disabled in Preferences.
If you want to go on mesa 19.0.1-2, allow the package manager to do package downgrade for your system upgrade. You may do so with sudo pacman -Syuu, pamac upgrade --enable-downgrade or with Pamac GTK with “Enable downgrade” enabled in Preferences.
If doing package downgrades becomes mandatory in the future to keep a functional system, we will tell you to do so.

If needed, we may push mesa 19.0.1+really+18.3.5-X in our official repositories again.

Brisk Menu on MATE 1.22: No icons for the categories
MATE 1.22 introduces changes in API that break Brisk Menu 0.5.0 completely. Upstream needs to adapt the code of Brisk Menu to MATE 1.22 to make it work correctly on this version. This is an ongoing work.

Thanks to the collaboration of some users (see this thread 1), we managed to patch the source code of Brisk Menu 0.5.0 with a temporary fix so you can still continue to use it while being on MATE 1.22. However, unfortunately, we had to sacrifice the icons for categories.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

“Spring cleanup” on Arch Linux: impact on Manjaro
Recently, Arch Linux did a “spring cleanup” of their Community repository (see the full discussion on the mailing list and seach for “spring”). Many package got removed from the Arch Linux official repositories and dropped to the AUR. Therefore, it means that many packages that were in our repositories because they were imported from Arch Linux got removed from our repositories too. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of packages that got removed:

cherrytree - Hierarchical note taking application featuring rich text and syntax highlighting
mate-menu - Advanced menu for MATE Panel, a fork of MintMenu (Not to be confused with mate-menus)
medit - GTK+ text editor
thermald - The Linux Thermal Daemon program from 01.org
If you want to continue to use those package, you will have to use the AUR from now on.

You may try to do a package request in this category, but note that there is a high chance that your demand will be refused.

Gnome 3.32: Two extensions removed from our repos.
We have dropped two packages that shipped additional extensions for Gnome: gnome-shell-extensions-topicons-plus-huttli and gnome-shell-extensions-taskbar. We won’t maintain Topicons Plus and Taskbar anymore.

Those extensions are not in active development anymore and may not work properly (or not work at all) on Gnome 3.32. Notably, it has been reported that using Topicons Plus on Gnome 3.32 may leads to very high CPU usage.

We strongly recommend you to disable those extensions if they are enabled (Tweaks > Extensions) and remove those packages with your favorite package manager. To prevent potential problems with the next version of Gnome, you may do those steps (or at least the first one) before upgrading your system.

Gnome 3.32: Various problems
There is currently several problems with Gnome 3.32. Here is what we know so far.

1. Possibility of broken extensions
Broken extensions is something to expect when transitioning between major versions of Gnome, especially if you are using extensions that are not shipped by default on Manjaro Gnome. If you have a broken extension taken from somewhere else than Manjaro official repositories, you will have to contact the maintainer on the source you have taken the extension from to get more support. You may also want to report the problem to the developer(s) of the extension (if not the same person/group).

It is possible that extensions become so broken on Gnome 3.32 that it makes Gnome Shell crash completely when trying to log in, thus making Gnome completely unusable. For example, we have a report of such issue with a third-party extension (that doesn’t come from Manjaro’s official repositories) called Extensions.

To decrease the risk of breakage (especially if running Gnome extensions that does not come from Manjaro official repositories) and make the upgrade smoother, you can disable all Gnome extensions (Tweaks > Extensions) before upgrading your system, then enable them one by one only after being logged in a completely new session on Gnome 3.32.

2. Using world clocks can break Gnome Shell completely
If you have configured world clocks in Gnome, it may make Gnome Shell segfaults and crashes when trying to log in for a graphical session, making Gnome unusable. If it happens, you will need to reset your parameters for world clocks with the following command (do it in TTY): dbus-launch gsettings reset org.gnome.clocks world-clocks.
See this Arch Linux thread and this ticket from upstream.

3. Gnome Shell may crash completely when resuming from sleep if you use Wayland
If you are using Wayland (instead of X.org), Gnome Shell may crash when resuming from sleep. Upstream is aware of this issue. As a workaround, you may use X.org instead of Wayland for now.

4. Miscellaneous
Some programs don’t get focused after being launched. Reported to upstream and confirmed for distributions other than Manjaro too.

Yaourt: Rest in peace
Yaourt has been removed from our repositories completely. We won’t maintain the yaourt package anymore, which means that you will not receive any updates from us for this package. A very old package named yaourt-gui-manjaro has been removed at the same time too.

If you are still using Yaourt, we strongly encourage you to switch to an alternative like Pamac CLI (package: pamac-cli), Trizen (package: trizen), Yay (package: yay) or Pacaur (package: pacaur); and uninstall Yaourt from your system.

In addition to that, we have dropped support for several packages that depended on yaourt: allservers, pacli and pacli-jwm. Those packages has been removed from the official repositories completely.

“Warning: accountsservice: directory permissions differ on /var/lib/AccountsService/users/filesystem: 755 package: 700”
Normally, the permissions of the /var/lib/AccountsService/users/ directory get ajusted automatically to the one in the package at the next boot.

If it doesn’t, you can change the permissions manually with sudo chmod 700 /var/lib/AccountsService/users/.


Neues Foren Mitglied
Neues Foren Mitglied
Beiträge: 23
Registriert: Mittwoch 2. Januar 2019, 22:25
CPU: i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz × 4
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030
Kernel: Linux 5.15.79_rt54-1
Desktop-Variante: Gnome 43.2
GPU Treiber: Video-Nvidia
Hat sich bedankt: 1 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 5 Mal

Re: 2019-04-03 - Mate, KDE-Dev, Cinnamon, Deepin, Browsers (Stable Update)


Beitrag von Eifelquelle »

Alles fein wie immer!

Erfahrenes Foren Mitglied
Erfahrenes Foren Mitglied
Beiträge: 96
Registriert: Sonntag 15. Mai 2016, 11:37
Wohnort: Oranienburg
CPU: Intel Core i5-9500F 6 Kerne
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
Kernel: 5.XX
Desktop-Variante: KDE Plasma
GPU Treiber: NVIDIA 495.XXX
Hat sich bedankt: 1 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 12 Mal

Re: 2019-04-03 - Mate, KDE-Dev, Cinnamon, Deepin, Browsers (Stable Update)


Beitrag von OlliFri »

Hi Fans,
Nach dem Update funzt QCAD nicht mehr.
Hier mal die Terminal Ausgabe:

[frank@papa ~]$ qcad
QCAD version
12:44:39: Debug: using qt5ct plugin
12:44:39: Debug: RDxfPlugin::init
12:44:39: Debug: RScriptsPlugin::init
12:44:39: Debug: trying to load theme stylesheet: themes/Default/stylesheet.css
12:44:39: Debug: trying to load theme stylesheet: themes/Default/stylesheet_linux.css
12:44:40: Debug: D-Bus global menu: no
12:44:43: Debug: TIMER: 5000000 ns ( 5 ms ) - "block list update"
Warning: RScriptHandlerEcma::eval: script engine exception: "TypeError: Result of expression 'global[defaultActionClass].init' [undefined] is not a function."
Warning: "<anonymous>() at :/scripts/File/OpenFile/../NewFile/NewFile.js:522\n<anonymous>(documentInterface = RDocumentInterface(0x5559dc8be650)) at :/scripts/File/OpenFile/../NewFile/NewFile.js:472\n<anonymous>() at :/scripts/File/OpenFile/../NewFile/NewFile.js:251\n<anonymous>() at :/scripts/File/OpenFile/../NewFile/NewFile.js:109\n<eval>() at 1\nslotTrigger() at -1\nopenFiles(args = , createNew = true) at scripts/autostart.js:209\nmain() at scripts/autostart.js:794\n<global>() at scripts/autostart.js:832"
Warning: RScriptHandlerEcma::eval: script engine exception: "TypeError: Result of expression 'global[defaultActionClass].init' [undefined] is not a function."
Warning: "<anonymous>() at :/scripts/File/OpenFile/../NewFile/NewFile.js:522\n<anonymous>(documentInterface = RDocumentInterface(0x5559dc8be650)) at :/scripts/File/OpenFile/../NewFile/NewFile.js:472\n<anonymous>() at :/scripts/File/OpenFile/../NewFile/NewFile.js:251\n<anonymous>() at :/scripts/File/OpenFile/../NewFile/NewFile.js:109\n<eval>() at 1\nslotTrigger() at -1\nopenFiles(args = , createNew = true) at scripts/autostart.js:209\nmain() at scripts/autostart.js:794\n<global>() at scripts/autostart.js:832"
Warning: At least one uncaught exception:
Warning: "<anonymous>() at :/scripts/File/OpenFile/../NewFile/NewFile.js:522\n<anonymous>(documentInterface = RDocumentInterface(0x5559dc8be650)) at :/scripts/File/OpenFile/../NewFile/NewFile.js:472\n<anonymous>() at :/scripts/File/OpenFile/../NewFile/NewFile.js:251\n<anonymous>() at :/scripts/File/OpenFile/../NewFile/NewFile.js:109\n<eval>() at 1\nslotTrigger() at -1\nopenFiles(args = , createNew = true) at scripts/autostart.js:209\nmain() at scripts/autostart.js:794\n<global>() at scripts/autostart.js:832"
12:44:43: Debug: "<global>() at 522"

Leider hab ich keine ältere Version auf dem Rechner

Themen Author
Beiträge: 2350
Registriert: Donnerstag 19. Mai 2016, 15:49
CPU: AMD Quad Core A8 3,6GHz
GPU: AMD/ATI Radeon R7
Kernel: 6.1
Desktop-Variante: XFCE und KDE Stable, Testing, Unstable
GPU Treiber: Free
Hat sich bedankt: 28 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 153 Mal

Re: 2019-04-03 - Mate, KDE-Dev, Cinnamon, Deepin, Browsers (Stable Update)


Beitrag von Blueriver »

OlliFri hat geschrieben: Donnerstag 4. April 2019, 12:47 Leider hab ich keine ältere Version auf dem Rechner
Versuch es mal mit

Code: Alles auswählen

sudo pacman -U https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/q/qcad/qcad-

Erfahrenes Foren Mitglied
Erfahrenes Foren Mitglied
Beiträge: 96
Registriert: Sonntag 15. Mai 2016, 11:37
Wohnort: Oranienburg
CPU: Intel Core i5-9500F 6 Kerne
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
Kernel: 5.XX
Desktop-Variante: KDE Plasma
GPU Treiber: NVIDIA 495.XXX
Hat sich bedankt: 1 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 12 Mal

Re: 2019-04-03 - Mate, KDE-Dev, Cinnamon, Deepin, Browsers (Stable Update)


Beitrag von OlliFri »

Hi Blueriver
Besten Dank, hat prima geklappt.
Werde ich mir mal für die Zukunft merken.

Forum Gott
Forum Gott
Beiträge: 309
Registriert: Mittwoch 18. Mai 2016, 19:44
Wohnort: Nürnberg
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3950X / Ryzen 5 / i3 ca. 2005
GPU: nVidia GTX 1070Ti / nVidia
Kernel: 510
Desktop-Variante: stable (LXQt, Mate, KDE, XFCE)
GPU Treiber: nVidia - proprietär auf beiden Rechnern
Hat sich bedankt: 43 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 11 Mal

Re: 2019-04-03 - Mate, KDE-Dev, Cinnamon, Deepin, Browsers (Stable Update)


Beitrag von m-bostaurus »

Bei allen meinen Rechnern nach dem Abmelden von der grafischen Oberfläche auf tty3 mittesl pacman -Syyu geupdated; keine Probleme. Einen Dank an das Manjaro-Team!

Forum Gott
Forum Gott
Beiträge: 408
Registriert: Sonntag 17. Dezember 2017, 18:19
CPU: --
GPU: --
Kernel: --
Desktop-Variante: --
GPU Treiber: --
Hat sich bedankt: 42 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 48 Mal

Re: 2019-04-03 - Mate, KDE-Dev, Cinnamon, Deepin, Browsers (Stable Update)


Beitrag von Jean-Paul »

Alles bestens ohne Probleme. :)

Erfahrenes Foren Mitglied
Erfahrenes Foren Mitglied
Beiträge: 79
Registriert: Dienstag 8. Januar 2019, 16:12
CPU: Intel Core i5-8600
GPU: Intel Onboard
Kernel: 6.6.30-2-MANJARO (64-bit)
Desktop-Variante: KDE Plasma 6.0.4
GPU Treiber: Intel Open Source Technology Center
Hat sich bedankt: 26 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 6 Mal

Re: 2019-04-03 - Mate, KDE-Dev, Cinnamon, Deepin, Browsers (Stable Update)


Beitrag von ManjaroHans »

Auch bei mir alles gut! :)